Authored by MMOruki

I commented earlier about EVE echoes

Hey I see you haven't updated information for EVE Mobile ISK 16 hours. Latest timestamp I have is 07:00 GMT. Everything ok?Your API is perform freaking awesome. Please do not let it wither away.Sorry relating to this, things closed down unintentionally. They ought to be up and running. Glad you are enjoying it!Thanks for your instrument, it's very helpful!

What is crazy is that there were even more people who couldn't enter system because of the cap. Who knows what the amount would have been.Not that it matters since the game is essentially unplayable after 500 individuals get on grid.Ya the lag was totally brutal. A good deal of people were pumped to get this fight but then once everyone started to get on grid the lag and disconnects sucked the life from it pretty quick.GF to those involved no matter props to red for sticking it out!

Exactly! I don't care what side you on this will be epic... til everyone in your fleet disconnected for the 19th time and you could not even aim anything because of lag. Was still fun but really disappointed in the total functioning of the game and the server.To be fair, how could they have predicted large fleet battles similar to this? When EvE O had its first major battle precisely the same thing occurred. CCP increased capability so players brought even more for the upcoming fight.Years later players were whining but bring 10 times more creating the lag unbearable.Absolutely amazing experience!No it's still limited to 10 at a fleet.

Can't wait for some time dilation! Was fortunate to acquire in system prior to the 1200 cap was hit, however, my fleet and that I disconnected immediately upon warping into the station. Interesting experience nonetheless.They need to fix the filter so only red and neutral ships show.That's why you create your own custom made ones.I made them and they still show blues on the proper when any favorable status isn't selected.Noticed while the lag gets this bad the UI will essentially flood your choice with enemy/friendly ships no matter what you've setup for custom selection.

Well I guess this settles what I commented earlier about the cap being above 1k...1200 is not a huge raise, but glad to see they're working on it. It doesn't do any good if the game becomes a slide show and individuals constantly disconnect. I was only in a struggle with ~400 and I could not target or buy eve echoes isk shoot anything since the game was running so slow...

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