Authored by william598smith

Book of Beasts: Fata Befana


An ancient black-gowned crone rides a broomstick, bearing a bag of toys and candies and a basket of coal. Around her shoulders, she wears a coat made of dead rats.

Naughty or Nice? A Befana knows the score about everyone — all their deeds, bad or good, and all their wants and desires. She doesn’t spread this about as idle gossip, but she does judge, sorting everyone into Naughty or Nice in sum.

Sweets for the Sweet A Befana cooks up all manner of wonderful candies and sweets which she leaves for nice children. Some sweets are medicinal or even magical.

Coal for the Naughty A Befana carries a basket of coal to place in the shoes of naughty children, but if she has to deal directly with especially naughty adults, particularly the outright wicked and evil, she may deliver their coal by throwing it, possibly lighting it first. for the full article

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  • The "Book of Beasts" is a captivating collection of mythical creatures and legendary stories, perfect for those who enjoy delving into the fantastical. This enchanting book transports readers to a world filled with dragons, griffins, and other mystical beings. It’s an ideal read for all ages, offering a blend of adventure and wonder. For those visiting Sin City, a las vegas magician might just bring some of these mythical beasts to life with dazzling tricks and illusions, adding a touch of magic to your experience.

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