Authored by Sunxuemei

Just stop acting like it invalidates the overwhelming scientific

Basically Animal Crossing Bells there's a demographic of people that are mad and possibly even quite intelligent (but very unwise) who when confronted by the truth of their mistakes and failures rather decide that it's reality that's incorrect. Ego is a hell of a drug.Mark twain said"its easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been duped." Not sure if that's what you're referring to. Either way it truly is crazy the lengths people will visit rather than own up to some error.

One of my favourite fucking things is that body positivity has been appropriated by fat people who don't need to confront the truth and shed the weight, instead of being used to help people with missing limbs, surgical scars, and skin conditions.Or even: be optimistic about your fat body. I don't fucking care. It's probably a more enjoyable way to live than being negative and fat about it and not doing anything about it (ie. What I am doing).

Just stop acting like it invalidates the overwhelming scientific consensus about the correlation between obesity and numerous health issues. Makes you sound as bad as climate change deniers and horizontal earthers.My favorite part is when they bully people which have the audacity to discuss their health, or any sort of exercise. Apparently it is fatphobic to article about jogging when fat men and women exist...

You are not even safe if you're"one of them" lmao. I made a post congradulating Elliott Page on coming , and all the comments I got were people yelling at me Cheap Animal Crossing Items
for"deadnaming him" because I said"previously known as Ellen Page." Like what, it's illegal to catch people up who are outside of this loop?

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